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Princess Latifa of Dubai abducted from high seas

Sheikha Latifa al Maktoum, daughter of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed al Matoum escaped by jet ski to meet French/American ex secret service agent Hervé Jaubert onboard 100ft US flagged yacht Nostromo.  Nostromo was violently attacked by Indian and UAE armed forces on the 4th of March 2018 and all onboard were abducted and renditioned to the UAE.  Latifa remains in captivity.

- March 2018

About us

Captain Hervé Jaubert, a former secret service agent, knew Princess Latifa for seven years before he helped her escape oppression in the UAE.  Jaubert was violently attacked by military forces and was forced to the UAE where he was held captive and interrogated media pressure resolved his freedom.

Radha Stirling, founder of Detained in Dubai was in contact with Cptn. Jaubert and Princess Latifa during their escape.  Stirling was on the phone to Latifa during the attack on Nostromo where Latifa reported gunshots.  Stirling immediately took steps to raise the attack with authorities, government officials and to the press and the United Nations.

Jaubert and Stirling are working on a number of cross jurisdiction legal actions to seek freedom and justice for Latifa and for women's freedoms in the gulf.

Who is Sheikha Latifa al Maktoum?

Sheikha Latifa Al Maktoum is the 34 year old daughter of the ruler of Dubai.  Latifa's escape showcased two government's disrespect for international law, possible leading Saudi Arabia to believe they could get away with murder outside their borders.  The ramifications of lawless acts from governments impacts on our safety and security.


Latifa's freedom is supported by prominent human rights organisations, law firms, activists and the general public

Detained in Dubai was appointed by

HRH Sheikha Latifa in March 2018



Detained in Dubai Limited,

Kemp House, 180 City Road, London  EC1 2NX UK

Tel: +44 (0) 207 060 6900

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© 2019 -2023 Detained in Dubai Limited.  Detained in Dubai Limited, is registered in England and Wales under company number 11248768 with its registered office at Kemp House, 180 City Road, London  EC1 2NX UK

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